Conference 23. Nov 2021

This year’s Spin-off Austria Conference invites prominent guests to give inspirational key notes, highlights successful founders of Austrian university spin-offs as well as unicorns with close ties to the academia and gives room to the discussions of different stakeholders like investors, university leaders or legal experts to let the audience deep dive into the dos and don’ts of tech transfer. The program will be rounded off by awarding the most entrepreneurial institutions of higher education in Austria.

Once again this year, the Spin-off Initiative invites you to discuss the status quo of the Austrian spin-off landscape under the title "Navigating IP Terms in University Spin-Offs". The online conference takes place online on 14.11.2024.



morning session
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09:30 am - 09:40 am
Welcome by
Welcome by

Moderated by
Dr. Hermann Hauser (Amadeus Capital Partners)
Mag. Jasmin Güngör (Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH)
Mag. Dejan Jovicevic (Der Brutkasten)

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09:40 am - 10:00 am
Introductory Keynote
Introductory Keynote

Dr. Özlem Türeci (Co-Founder & CMO of BioNTech SE)

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10:00 am - 10:10 am
Q&A-Session: Introductory Keynote
Q&A-Session: Introductory Keynote

Moderator / Özlem Türeci / Audience

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10:10 am - 10:12 am
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Dr. Margarete Schramböck
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Dr. Margarete Schramböck

Federal  Minister for Digital and Economic Affairs

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10:12 am - 10:57 am
Keynotes "Austrian Unicorn Founders"
Keynotes "Austrian Unicorn Founders"

Founder Presentations: 3 Presentations á 15min

Mag. Georg Kopetz (Co-Founder & Member of the Executive Board (CEO) of TTTech Auto AG

Erich Tauber (Founder & CEO of Themis Bioscience)

Wolfgang Platz, MA (Founder & CEO of TRICENTIS)

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10:57 am - 11:12 pm
Q&A-Session: "Austrian Unicorn Founders"
Q&A-Session: "Austrian Unicorn Founders"

Moderator / Founder "Austrian Unicorn Founders" / Audience

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11:12 am - 11:17 am
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, BA
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, BA

Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

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11:17 am - 12:17 pm
Keynotes "Austrian Founder Stories"
Keynotes "Austrian Founder Stories"

Dr. Christian Timmerer (Co-Founder of Bitmovin)

Thomas Fürstner (Founder & CTO of Riddle & Code)

Chiara Greganti, PhD (Co-Founder & Managing Director of VitreaLab)

Dr. med. univ. Jama Nateqi (Founder & CEO of Symptoma)

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12:17 pm - 12:37 pm
Q&A-Session: "Austrian Founder Stories"
Q&A-Session: "Austrian Founder Stories"

Moderator / Founder "Austrian Founder Stories" / Audience

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12:37 pm - 12:43 pm
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fassmann
Video Contribution of Federal Minister Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Fassmann

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

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01:15 pm - 01:20 pm
Overview of afternoon sessions & competition of "Spin-Off Austria Klimatickets"
Overview of afternoon sessions & competition of "Spin-Off Austria Klimatickets"

Moderated by
Mag. Jasmin Güngör (Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH)
Mag. Dejan Jovicevic (Der Brutkasten)

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01:20 pm - 01:25 pm
Video Contribution of Dr. Harald Mahrer
Video Contribution of Dr. Harald Mahrer

Dr. Harald Mahrer (President of of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber)

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01:25 pm - 02.10 pm
Panel "Venture Capital for Spin-offs"
Panel "Venture Capital for Spin-offs"

Moderated by Nina Wöss, MSc. (AVCO)
Dr. Hermann Hauser (Co-Founder Amadeus Capital Partners, Vice-Chair EIC  Pilot Advisory Board)
DI Herbert Gartner (Co-Founder & CEO of eQventure)
Lucian Wagner, BSc, MBA (General Partner at Privilege Ventures AG,  Zurich)
Mag. Markus Wanko, MBA, MSc. (Managing Partner at IST cube)

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02:10 pm - 02.20 pm

Moderated by
Mag. Jasmin Güngör (Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH)
Mag. Dejan Jovicevic (Der Brutkasten)

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02:20 pm - 02.40 pm
Panel "International Best Practice Examples on Tech Transfer: Boosters & Challenges"
Panel "International Best Practice Examples on Tech Transfer: Boosters & Challenges"

Moderated by Klara Brandstätter, MSc (I.E.C.T. – Hermann Hauser)
Prof. Irit Sagi (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
Ilona Gulchak, MA, MBA (Commercialization Reactor, Latvia)

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02:40 pm - 02:50 pm
Q&A-Session: Panel "International Best Practice Examples on Tech Transfer: Boosters & Challenges"
Q&A-Session: Panel "International Best Practice Examples on Tech Transfer: Boosters & Challenges"

Moderated by Klara Brandstätter, MSc (I.E.C.T. – Hermann Hauser)
Prof. Irit Sagi (The Weizmann Institute of Science)
Ilona Gulchak, MA, MBA (Commercialization Reactor, Latvia)

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02:50 pm - 03:10 pm
Fireside Chat - "The California Way: Turn on, tune in, spin out"
Fireside Chat - "The California Way: Turn on, tune in, spin out"

John Cumbers, Ph.D. (Founder and CEO of SynBioBeta)
Karl Handelsman, MBA, MS (Founder & General Partner of Codon Capital)

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03:10 pm - 03:20pm
Q&A-Session: "The California Way: Turn on, tune in, spin out"
Q&A-Session: "The California Way: Turn on, tune in, spin out"

John  Cumbers, Ph.D. (Founder and CEO of SynBioBeta)
Karl Handelsman, MBA, MS (Founder & General Partner of Codon Capital)

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03:20 pm - 03:50 pm
Panel "Austrian Tech Transfer in Practice"
Panel "Austrian Tech Transfer in Practice"

Moderated by Dr. Sara Matt, RTTP (University of Innsbruck)
Dr. Bernhard Astner  (hba)
Dr. MMag. Jörg Schönbacher (BDO)
Mag. Elmar Pichl (Ministry of Education, Science and Research)

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03:50 pm - 04.30 pm
Panel "Corporate Collaboration with Spin-Offs and Start-Ups"
Panel "Corporate Collaboration with Spin-Offs and Start-Ups"

Moderated by Carina Margreiter, MSc. (aws)
DI Georg List, MBA (AVL)
Clemens Müller (Erste Bank & Sparkasse)
MMag. Daniela Pak-Graf (Merkur Innovation Lab GmbH)

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04:30 pm - 04:40 pm
Presentation: Spin-Off Dashboard Austria
Presentation: Spin-Off Dashboard Austria

Moderated by DI Dr. Ludovit Garzik (Austrian Council)

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04:40 pm - 05:10 pm
Nomination: Leading Austrian Institutions
Nomination: Leading Austrian Institutions

Moderated and awarded by DI Dr. Ludovit Garzik (Austrian Council)

Prior to this conference the most compelling concepts had been nominated by the expert jury consisting of:
Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler, MBR (University of Passau)
Dipl-Ing. Dr. Sabine Herlitschka, MBA (Infineon Technologies Austria)
Dr. Hermann Hauser (Amadeus Capital Partners)
DI Herbert Gartner (eQventure)

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05:10 pm - 05:20 pm
Final Words
Final Words

Prof. Dr. Christoph Huber (BioNTech)

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afternoon session
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powered by

BDO Austria Holding Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH
Erste Bank und Sparkasse
Held Berdnik Astner & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Merkur Versicherung
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

cooperation partner

Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Digital and Economic Affairs
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Erste Bank und Sparkasse
Female Founders
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft
FWF - Die Wissenschaftsfonds
Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft
Austrian Universities of Technology
Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz
Wiener Boerse
Wirtschaftskammer Österreich

speakers and panelists

Dr. Hermann Hauser
Co-Founder Amadeus Capital Partners, Vice-Chair EIC Pilot Advisory Board
Chiara Greganti, Ph.D.
CO-Founder & CEO of VitreaLab
Tom Fürstner
Founder & CTO of RIDDLE&CODE
Dr. med. univ. Jama Nateqi
Founder & CEO of Symptoma
Lucian Wagner, BSc, MBA
General Partner at Privilege Ventures AG, Zurich
Markus Wanko
Managing Partner at xista science ventures
Dr. Özlem Türeci
CO-Founder & CMO of BioNTech SE
Priv. Doz. Dr. Sara Matt
Head of the Transfer Office Science / Economy / Society at the University of Innsbruck
Georg Kopetz
CO-Founder, CEO & member of the executive board at TTTech and TTTech Auto
Prof. Irit Sagi
Department of Biological Regulation Vice President, Technology Transfer
DI Wolfgang Platz
Founder & CPO of Tricentis
Erich Tauber, MD
CO-Founder & CEO von Themis
Mag. Elmar Pichl
Ministry of Education, Science & Research
John Cumbers, PhD, MSc
Founder of SynBioBeta
Dipl-Ing. Dr. Sabine Herlitschka, MBA
CEO and CTO of Infineon Technologies Austria AG
DI Herbert Gartner
Co-Founder & CEO eQventure
Dr. Harald Mahrer
President Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Prof. Dr. Carolin Häussler, MBR
Chair of Organisation, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship University of Passau
Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Christian Timmerer
CO-Founder of Bitmovin
Dr. Christoph Huber
CO-Founder of Biontech SE

Moderation and Organisation

Mag. Jasmin Güngör
Investment Manager and Authorised Signatory of Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH
Klara Brandstätter
Managing Director of I.E.C.T. Hermann Hauser Management GmbH
Dejan Jovicevic (Moderation)
Co-Founder & CEO of "Der Brutkasten"

Past Conferences

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